Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Power Outage

Late this afternoon we were doing a case in the OR when all of the sudden the power went out.  In unison everyone in the room started counting 1...2...3...4...  Well, when they all hit 9 and the power had not returned everyone began to mutter and groan.  You see, usually at the 8 count the backup generator comes on.  In this case, someone had to go turn it on.  All was well with the patient who was under a general anesthetic.  We pulled out our flashlights, continued to ventilate the patient, watched her closely and the power returned shortly.  No problems.

I give this little story as one of the things God showed me today of how I take things for granted.  One is obviously electrical power.  Others include all the modern healthcare stuff I use everyday, certain foods, air conditioning, etc.  All these things most of the world does not have.  Those of us that do have these luxuries are a minority.  Granted, I am in the jungle and have internet access.  But, that is a luxury really.

Back to the OR tomorrow.  Hope the power stays on.....