Monday, October 29, 2012

Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons

If you haven't had a chance yet, take a look at the website for Bongolo Hospital.  There is a link at the top of the page to their website.

One unique opportunity I have while I am here is to help train some of the surgical residents in the PAACS program.  Bongolo has 5 surgical residents and one of them is rotating on anesthesia for the 2 weeks I am here.  The residents are here as a part of the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (  Young Christian surgeons from various countries throughout Africa come to train in Bongolo for at least 5 years.  After their training, they return to their home country to work as surgeons, usually in underserved areas.  Many times they also bring their Christian influence and witness to areas that need to hear God's message of hope.  It is really a great program and one I am blessed to help out with.

Tomorrow we head back to the operating room to start our last week of procedures.  It will be a busy week as many cases are scheduled.  Pray for strength and health for the entire operating room teams and pray that we show the love of Christ to our patients.