Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Changed Lives

Lives are being changed here.  A subset of the cases we are doing are on children with club feet.  By the time we leave, God, through Mike (the orthopedist) and the rest of the OR team, will have corrected about 8-10 club feet of children aged 1-8.  You see, here in Gabon the kids who have club feet do not get them corrected at birth as they do in the US.  In the US the newborns with club feet don't even have surgery and get casts for their correction.  That would be impossible here.  So, without correction these children grow up as outcasts with the inability to get educated and eventually hold a job.  The society writes them off.  While maybe not correcting them to absolute normal, God, through Mike and the rest of the team, is giving these kids a fighting chance to have a "normal" life.

Praise Him and He is the great Physician and Healer!