Sunday, September 29, 2013

Restful Weekend???

We had a restful weekend with no surgical cases, at least not at the time of this writing.  Saturday we took a walk down to the river with a few of the missionaries and walked across it.  It is very low at present as it is dry season.  Soon the rains will come and the river will rise about 8-10 feet.  It was actually a bit challenging and many of the rocks were slippery and not very flat.  We banged up our shins pretty good.

Later Saturday afternoon we (Jack, Justin and I) borrowed one of the vehicles and took a drive into town.  "Town" is Lebamba where there is a market and some tiny convenience stores.  There is one grocery store and also a market.  Not a whole lot to do so we just poked around and bought some food.

Saturday evening came along and I had a worm pulled out of my back.  For those weak in the stomach, I will not gross you out with the details or pictures.  Ask me about it when I return.  It's all good.....

Today we went to the local church and worshiped the same Almighty God as in the USA.  While I do not speak the language and could not understand the sermon, it was still a wonderful experience sharing this time with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

This afternoon we played some basketball with a few of the local youth and missionary kids.  It was a good time.

Restful Weekend???